Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 4: Achieving Greatness and Your Mentor

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, "Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life." He adds that when you live from your passion, you're on the path to greatness. When you live from your passion, you're in line with your purpose and that, says Dyer, is when things just click. Things work out for you. Magic happens. As Dyer once put it, don't go to the grave with your music still inside of you.

Before we dive into the focus of the 20% time project today, ask yourself this question: "Are you worthy of greatness?" 

The answer is yes -- of course you are -- but do YOU believe it? Or are you holding yourself back?

We, as a human species, are capable of far more than we limit ourselves to and, often times, we are the ones who hold ourselves back from greatness. The trick is a subtle shift in thinking and recognizing whenever a self-limiting thought creeps up. 

Now, onto the 20% time project. 

If there's one thing I've learned from interviewing some of the greatest movers and shakers of our time, it's that no one gets to greatness alone. You need mentors. You need help. But so many people don't open themselves to help because they see asking for help as a weakness.

It's not. Asking for help is a sign of strength. 

Your focus today:

1. Who is your mentor(s) and why?

We're full swing into the 20% project and many of you have a solid idea of what you want to achieve with your project. Last week, you took a look at creating a SMART goal and that helped many narrow down their focus.

Here are a couple projects students are working on which are truly quite awesome:
  • Creating a "Before I Die" Board for Ketcham High School
  • Forming a band
  • Gain health by losing 50 lbs
  • Creating a website to showcase photography and launch photography career
  • Visiting a therapeutic horseback riding center weekly or biweekly
A quick heads up: 

In about two weeks time, you will be pitching your project to the rest of the class. I'm still working out the details and will finalize it by next week.

Here's a helpful article about the power of failing forward. 

All right students, we be jammin'

Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 3: What to Blog About? Be SMART

Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine that you're already on to your third blog post?

This week, you are to create a SMART Goal and pitch your project to your classmates.

1. Create a SMART goal for your project which covers the following,

S - specifically state what you are going to do.

M - how will you measure your success?

A - how will you start taking action now?

R - why is this goal realistic for you?

T - what will you finish by holiday break?

2. In your blog post, include the following:

- the audience (who you are designing for or the perfect avatar user)

- the SMART Goal

- the timeline of deliverables and the proposed tangible or digital results

- the supplies and funding needed

- why you are excited to do this

Once you have these down, it’s time to start canvassing. Share your project idea with your classmates and collect ten signatures from them. Use the handout provided. They must print/sign their name in approval of your project.

Spread some love for your fellow classmates and take a look at all the amazingness you all are creating this year. Click this link to view other students' #20time projects.

And here's the poodle picture of the week.